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We are now in the mountains and they are in us, kindling enthusiasm, making every nerve quiver, filling every pore and cell of us.  â€• John Muir, My First Summer in the Sierra

Udaipur has never disappointed any of its visitors not even the natives when it comes to dazzling the eyes with beauty it holds be it the majestic lakes of Udaipur like Pichola or the grand palaces speaking of the history of the royal age or the majestic tall and uninterrupted hills of Aravali.

The forceful chain of Aravali hills gets its name from a Hindi word meaning “range of peaks” and is the oldest range of Fold Mountains in India.

Geographically, this chain joins the major segments of the earth’s crust i.e. the BUNDELKHAND CRATON and the ARAVALI CRATON. The Aravali could have risen higher than their present level but due to the fact that they have been worn off due to continuous erosion and weathering over the years, they could only rise high enough to add to the scenic beauty of the CITY OF LAKES UDAIPUR.

Aravali range of mountains play a vital role in adding to the magical beauty of Udaipur giving an alluring tall background to the dynamic and sparkling lakes of Udaipur.

The Aravali Range is rich in flora and fauna including variants of species like Indian Crested Porcupine, palm civet, striped hyena, golden jackal and many more. In addition to this, the mountain range has also served the Mewar Kingdom as a border guiding the periphery of Udaipur during the Mughal attacks of 1568 making the Mughal forces unable to climb the hills and capture the land.

The significance of the Aravali spreads is wings not only in terms of geography or palaeontology but also serves as a boundary wall for the CITY OF LAKES – UDAIPUR.

And if these mountains had eyes, they would wake to find two strangers in their fences, rank in admiration as breathing red pours its drop upon earth's beach. These mountains, which have seen untold sunrises, long to thunder praise but stand deferential, silent so that man's weak honour should be given God's mind.

The Aravali range is visible from almost every corner of the city as the tall mountains stand proudly facing the entire city of lakes Udaipur and leaves you with a stunning experience when you see the horizon.



The Aravalli range is one of the oldest mountain range in the world. It is running across the Rajasthan state from South-West to North-East, bisecting the Rajasthan into two parts. Aravalli Range, hill system of northern India, is running north easterly for 350 miles (560 km) through Rajasthan state. The isolated rocky offshoots continue to just south of Delhi. The series of peaks and ridges, with breadths varying from 6 to 60 miles (10 to 100 km), are generally between 1,000 and 3,000 feet (300 and 900 metres) in height. The Aravalli hills are very high in the beginning. However, due to overlay, it remains the residual mountains. The system is divided into two sections: the Sambhar-Sirohi ranges, taller and including Guru Peak on Mount Abu, the highest peak in the Aravalli Range (5,650 feet [1,722 metres]); and the Sambhar-Khetri ranges, consisting of three ridges that are discontinuous. The Aravalli Range starts from Palanpur, Gujrat and ends at Raisana hill of Delhi. In Rajasthan, it starts from Brahm Kheda, Sirohi and ends at Khetdi, Jhunjhunu. After Jhunjhunu, it spreads up to Delhi in non-continuous form. The Aravalli Range is rich in natural resources (including minerals) and serves as a check to the growth of the western desert. It gives rise to several rivers, including the Banas, Luni, Sakhi, and Sabarmati. Though heavily forested in the south, it is generally bare and thinly populated, consisting of large areas of sand and stone and of masses of rose-coloured quartzite. The Aravalli range acts as a great check to the advancement of the sand into central India and Ganga Valley. However, there are gaps in the Aravalli Range and sand from western side, has advanced through them to the east of it. It has huge deposits of minerals i.e. Copper, Lead, Zinc, Silver, Iron, Manganese, Granite, lime stone, Marble, Emerald etc. The Aravalli range and Hilly Region is divided into three parts – (i) North Eastern Aravalli Range or Alwar Range (ii) Central Aravalli Range (iii) Southern Aravalli Region. The soil found on these hill ranges is black, brown and granular soil. The rain falls from about 50 cm to 90 cm. The main crop is Maize as the climate is semi humid in this region.



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