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We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.  - By Jawaharlal Nehru

This quote by Jawaharlal Nehru is true for all those people who agree on the point that life would be quite boring and simple without the spice of adventure added to it.

Udaipur is a land of immense beauty and diverse culture so it sure does serve the purpose of both culture-loving and nature-lover kind of people. But for those who love tasting adventure in every breath of theirs and want something which could rush up their adrenaline also, Udaipur is perfect place for them too. In Udaipur we have some of the most exciting and otherwise rare to find adventurous sports.


As we all know and are well-verse with the fact that Udaipur is a land of the kings and when we talk about kings and their royalty, Camels, Elephants and Horses are the three animals which come to our mind in the first go. Camel/Horse and Elephant Ride is one of the Udaipur’s most beloved and dearest adventure sports suitable for people of all age group are it kids, youngsters, teenagers, mid-aged people or senior citizens. Camel Ride/Horse and Elephant is something which everyone can enjoy safely and with full vigour and zeal. Camel/Horse and Elephant Safaris occupy a large portion of Rajasthan Tourism as it is one of the most happening and favourite adventurous activities and many locals as well tourists from all around the globe definitely love indulging in whenever they visit the city of lakes, Udaipur. However, there are many places in Udaipur from where camel /Horse and Elephant safari can be enjoyed but it is mostly available in the City Place area and areas of high tourist population as this activity are quite famous and prominent amongst outsiders. So, wait for nobody and just put on your adventurous vibe and take a ride around the city to witness some of the most majestic lakes and palaces on the back of these elegant and royal animals in Udaipur feeling nothing less than a royal person.


Trekking is one of the most liked and beloved activities of many people who carry an adventurous vibe with them. Trekking can be an expensive yet fun sport to be indulged in if you are an adventure-freak. People usually travel long distances and high mountain peaks in search of a good and breathtaking trekking spot. But being in Udaipur, you need not to head up north in search of trekking spots as Udaipur itself has a well- treasured and stored trekking spot for the adventurer inside you that is – the Aravalli Hills. Aravalli hills apart from having geographical significance, also stands high and tall in honour of this Kingsland. Aravalli Hills is India’s oldest range of Fold Mountains and surrounds the city of lakes like a coast-guard. The best time to go trekking on Aravalli Hills in Udaipur is from Nov-Feb which provides an appropriate climate for the trekkers so as to avail maximum fun and minimum hassle. The trails of Aravalli Hills offer great trekking and hiking experience for those who passionately love adventure and are deeply in love with the beautiful mother-nature.


Zip lining activity started in Udaipur few years back only and has managed to gain much popularity among locals as well as tourists coming from every corner of the world. Zip lining activity was started by Mr. Gulab Chand Kataria and happens at Chirwa Ghata overlooking the beautiful valley of flowers beneath it. If you always had a fantasy of swinging and gliding freely in the air feeling the blaze of fresh flower-smelling breeze on your face, this is one must-do activity in Udaipur. Zip lining is possibly happening because of all the highly-equipped machinery and setting and is totally safe and sound activity to do even for kids and senior citizens. With extremely nominal charges and staff available there to gear you up, this zip lining activity in Udaipur is must-do for all the adventure lovers out there as the city of lakes Udaipur calls you for an adventure trip. And as Drew Houston says, Instead of trying to make your life perfect, give yourself the freedom to make it an adventure, and go ever upward.


Paragliding is something which I guess everyone would love to do. If not love doing, then at least it is fun to watch others do it. But then the question arises, why to just sit and watch when you can actually practically do it with full safety and nominal expense? Udaipur, the city of lakes offers one of the best paragliding experiences to all those who love riding on the edge and have an adventure-freak streak. Paragliding in Udaipur while overlooking the beautiful city of lakes, its palaces, monuments and other stuff is a great sport for those who wake up in the morning looking for adventures to do. If you are still a kid inside, adventure is something which you should look for and gain from wherever you find it. Sand to look for adventure, you do not have to go far enough as in Udaipur itself you have one of the best adventure sport of Paragliding. So, here in Udaipur you can enjoy the serene and quiet evening sunset by the lake with some music and coffee while you spend the rest of the day paragliding and tasting adventure.

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